Bren's Day

God is always trying to give blessings to us, but our minds are usually too full to receive them.

I am going to try and keep posting blessings. It was good to hear back from a few people...makes me not feel so alone. Especially on a dark rainy day like today. Was going to try and make it out to get groceries...maybe tomorrow. I hate going out with the Friday crowd.

My minds a little better today. I usually have a few hours in the morning where my mind and body function. If I forget to use my CPAC it is painful and difficult to just get up and walk. I try to put it on around 7pm so if I fall asleep watching TV I have it on. The problem is I keep getting these colds or allergies or something and I can't breathe through my nose and can't use the CPAC.

God Bless You...Sending lots of blessings, prayers & love ♥ Bren

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