
 #Blessings...May God pour His love and blessings on you and may you be successful in all your endeavors.

I believe success is how well you deal with each changing day and living to the best of your ability. Success does not lie in results, but in efforts. Being the best is not so important as doing the best in all that matters. I have been blessed to be surrounded by love and have three wonderful children.They have each approached success in their own unique ways.

Holly graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Theta Kappa...All while working, raising two children, dealing with surgeries, and cancer. She has been left with depilating pain, weakness, and fatigue, but she is doing the best she can dealing with life and raising two beautiful and successful children.

Josh took a different approach to education and traveled the world. He is currently enjoying the freedom of being a truck driver.

Kyle graduated with degrees in New Media and Computer Science. He is a software developer. It has been so long since I graduated with my Information System degree I can no longer understand what he does.

God Bless You...Sending lots of blessings, prayers & love ♥ Bren

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