Your Blessings

You know Lord, there's really nothing I can do, without you in my soul,
Your love is so perfect and makes me feel so whole.
I need you each day Lord, to lighten my load,
And I need You today as I head down this road.

These paths I'm walking down, could you please shed some light,
And make the distance much shorter and the direction just right.
Being in charge of my life Lord, is where You belong,
Some days I can't walk, I'm weak and strong.

 I know that You can help me, and that You will guide me through,
And I know that Your presence is pure and it's true.
So thank you for the blessings You send to me this day,
That will keep me protected and shelter my living ways.

I know you look down Lord, from the Heavens above,
To see if there's any who seek out Your Love.
Please know that I'm thankful for the blessings You share,
I know that I'm wanted and I know that You care.

Kevin Heenan

"You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into Light." 2 Samuel 22:29

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